We were at the Mom & Baby Expo @KLCC this morning.
I bought this new bottle from Avent booth coz i thought i can trade in my old avent bottles to get a special price for the new one. Mana tahu those trade ins are only for Avent classic bottle!
I hate the current classic Avent bottles because of the airflow ring that comes with it. Sangat troublesome bluekkkk.. If tertinggal masa packing, memang budak minum susu & air bocor!
So i think and think and think again, belasah jela with this new Natural Avent pun. RM80 for 2pcs. Teats for Aimi is No4, another RM24. Burned my wallet T_T
Anyway, Aimi has no problem with this new bottle. Mula2 je pandang pelik coz the design is totally different.
Actually this Natural bottle is also compatible with the Classic bottle teats holder. Bagusnye, jimat duit.. Coz i've bought 4 "Y cut" teats for her, but she rejected them. Those Y cut teats are fast flows, tu yang Aimi reject kot. Haih.. Why did i buy so many, i pun tak tahu. Simpan jela till she can accept very fast flow teats.
Why do i choose Avent?
Firstly, because the bottlecap yang sangat best. The bottlecap memang tutup rapat hujung teats tu thus allowing no leaking or whatsoever if in case the bottle duduk tunggang terbalik.
Secondly, if there is any unintended tertumpah ke apa, bottlecap dia memang rapat and susu stay in the bottlecap.
Third, mulut botol Avent ni lebih luas compared with bottle kurus. So it's very very easy to mix the milk powder. And washing pon lebih senang.
Tu jelah kot.
And oh, teats gantian senang nak dapat kat kedai.
Kalau beli botol Mimijumi, kau ingat senang ke nak beli teats dia kat kedai? Kahkahkah
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